Canadian Mass Timber Demonstration Projects Initiatives


  • Mohammad Mohammad Natural Resources Canada, Canada
  • Julie Tourrilhes Natural Resources Canada, Canada
  • Richard Coxford Natural Resources Canada
  • Miranda Williamson Natural Resources Canada



In order to expedite market acceptance and facilitate the commercial uptake of wood products and systems in Canada, it is necessary to showcase such applications through high-rise and non-residential building demonstration projects. This paper presents recent initiatives by the Government of Canada focused on increasing use of wood as a green building material in infrastructure projects by supporting such demonstration projects. The objective of Green Construction through Wood (GCWood) program (launched in 2017) is to support the design and construction of several high-rise and non-residential timber demonstration buildings and bridges in Canada through expression of interest (EOI) calls. The program is also supporting research and development activities to facilitate acceptance of provisions that would allow for the construction of tall wood buildings in Canadian building codes and advanced wood education at engineering and architectural colleges and universities to help develop the future design capacity in Canada.


